Sunday 30 December 2012

Actual Running!

I ran this morning. 6.1 km which I didn't time, just wanted to do two laps of the circuit through the woods out the front. It was very freezing, and I was a snot-filled monster, but didn't feel that bad at all. It was a fine and freezing morning.

The first lap I felt great, but the knee did twinge a bit during the second, but nothing major at all. I'm looking forward to getting out there again with my Garmin. I'm going to do a half marathon in 12 weeks, and really want it to be a good one.

I then went shopping, I must have looked super-healthy to the woman behind the till.
All these things are good and tasty. Especially Robert Downey Jr. (The Sherlock Holmes DVD).
And except the candles. Good for reading by as I lay in the bath, but not good to eat.

I have a list of new year's resolutions as long as my arm. Some are basic healthy eating ones. Some are more new plans, such as time goals for my running and such, and also a few others, such as clearing my entire house of clutter, decorating the place, sticking to a budget and my favourite of all, converting one cupboard into a craft/stationery hive. It's a pull down section in this lounge unit that I've always hated but it's the landlord's so I have to keep it. It's gonna be full of well ordered pens, knitting needles, buttons, notebooks and paper.
I am genuinely excited about that.
That's how exciting my life it.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, but you live in the tropical south where the sun comes up super early, I think I took that pic about 8am ;)
