Saturday 3 November 2012

Sitting And Planking

Yesterday was horrible in a work sense, and to cheer myself up I bought Green Lantern on DVD in Tescos. I'd heard it was terrible, so avoided it up until now, but then, it's got Ryan Reynolds in it, so realistically, how bad could it be for a fiver?

Superhero films always make me want to be a bit more muscular and Wonder Woman like.
I have some weights I use regularly, but I've decided to up things by doing a ludicrous amount of planking and wall sits. The first time I did a wall sit I managed about 30 seconds, built it up to a couple of minutes and until last week hadn't done one for 18 months. It must be all the biking and I did 1.30 easily, and only stopped because the phone was ringing (I was at work, I have a duty to answer it there, if I'd have been at home I would have ignored it, as usual.)
My plan is to wall sit for for 1 min and plank for 30 seconds, every hour I'm at work.
That's 4 mins of planking and 8 of wall sits.
Then I'll up it, and plan a total of half an hour of this each work day. I can work whilst doing these things. I spend a lot of time on hold to IT waiting to report my broken down printer.
I have a pull-up bar at home that I occasionally hang from. I hereby pledge to be able to do at least one pull up by Christmas.

I'm doing lots of overtime next week as I'm supposed to be off but I'm going to work though it. It's going to dictate my training plan and so shall be very bike based. I've been asking other bike commute people what they do to make it a lot less hassle.
I have started buying knitted dresses to wear with leggings as they don't get wrinkly, and I keep some boots and a coat in the boot of my work car. It's the getting cleaned up that takes the most time, and I also like to wash and dry my bike clothes  ready for the retun jounney (sheltered housing schemes have laundries I can invade) as I seem to get wet everyday. Even if it doesn't rain, there's often surface water and mud to be sprayed at me. One person I know said he takes one of those little microfibre towels that we got used to seeing divers use for when he showers at work, to save space.
The lovely Anneke is also a fan of non-iron dresses and keeping shoes at work, but her main piece of advice to cycle commuters is "stop caring what you look like".

Fair enough.

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